Congressional District 2 will elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, as well as at least 15 District Committee members at the February 22nd, 2025 State Convention.
CD2 will also elect 11 Delegates and 11 Alternates to the MDP State Central Committee. These will be divided as evenly as possible between male and female candidates. Non-binary candidates are counted first and their numbers subtracted from the 11, then the remainder will be divided as evenly as possible between male and female to approximate gender balance. The non-binary people The candidates will be divided into four (4) slates. One slate called the “male” Delegate Slate will consist of the male candidates for Delegate plus the non-binary candidates who choose to run on the “male” slate. Similarly for the “male” Alternate Slate, and “female” Delegate and Alternate Slates.
CD2 Officer Candidates
Amy Perschbacher
Short Bio: Amy Perschbacher is a lifelong Michigander. She was born and raised on the West side of the state in the small town of Cedar Springs. She has four adult daughters and five grandchildren. She is a twice alum of Central Michigan University with a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in counseling. She holds a master’s in forensic psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She is in her third term as a Mount Pleasant City Commissioner and was appointed Mayor of Mount Pleasant for three consecutive years. She owns Ronan Psychological Associates, which employs 21 mental health clinicians and four full-time office staff. She is an at-large member of the Isabella County Human Rights Committee, Isabella County Community Corrections Advisor Board, and the Isabella County Recovery Court Treatment Team. She is also the newly elected chair of the Isabella County Democratic Party. If you ask her what her passion is she would say it is all about helping people do better and be their best possible self.
Campaign Elevator Pitch: My life’s work focuses on helping others do better in their own life journey. As a city commissioner I look for ways to improve the lives of the residents as a whole. As a mental health therapist, I work with many who have legal issues and I try to help them create a better path that will keep them out of the system. As the chair of the Isabella County Democratic Party, I believe that education of the issues at the local, state, and federal level is highest priority. People will not accept help if they do not understand what is at stake for them.
Detailed Campaign Statement: Community outreach and education as well as candidate recruitment are top prioritites. We must be assertive and strong in our messages. We can no longer wait for the next opportunity. We must make those opportunities happen. We need to be inclusive as well. We cannot move forward if we are not bringing everyone with us.
CD2 State Central Committee Candidates (Delegates)
Amanda Siggins
Kelly Weaver
Short Bio: Kelly Weaver (She/Her) is a lifelong resident of Michigan. She moved to Lake County in 2010. Ms. Weaver has actively volunteered to promote democracy in Michigan, including petitions to end Snyder’s Emergency Manager Law, The Michigan Citizens Redistricting Commission, Promote the Vote, and Reproductive Freedom. Ms. Weaver was on the campaign staff for Beth McGill-Rizer in 2020 and also assisted with the Tracy Ruell campaign in 2024. Ms. Weaver served on the County Planning Commission from 2015 to 2017 in Lake County. She served as the Secretary of the Lake County Democratic Party from 2015 to 2018 and from 2020 to 2022. Ms. Weaver was the county captain for Dana Nessel’s campaign in 2018. Kelly Weaver ran for County Commissioner in 2022 and Township Trustee in 2024.
Campaign Elevator Pitch: The main lesson from the 2024 election is that the Democratic Party needs to listen to the voters. The voters want an end to corporate price gouging. The voters want affordable housing. The voters want health care. The voters want jobs that pay a livable wage. The voters want their voices to be heard and listened to without resorting to police actions and punishment to silence those voices. The voters don’t want more mines polluting our environment. The voters don’t want more corporate welfare. Our chances of winning in 2026 and beyond require us to listen to the voters.
Michelle VanSlambrouck
Short Bio: Former small business owner Cheeky Monkeys Coffee House and Bakery, Co-Founder of Portland Backpacks for Bellies, a kids weekend meals program. Founder of The Soup Project, a collaborative community based program that prepares and delivers weekly meals to community residents. Experienced in bringing diverse groups together for the common good.
CD2 State Central Committee Candidates (Alternates)
Michelle VanSlambrouck
Short Bio: Former small business owner Cheeky Monkeys Coffee House and Bakery, Co-Founder of Portland Backpacks for Bellies, a kids weekend meals program. Founder of The Soup Project, a collaborative community based program that prepares and delivers weekly meals to community residents. Experienced in bringing diverse groups together for the common good.
CD2 Committee Candidates
Amy Perschbacher
Short Bio: Amy Perschbacher is a lifelong Michigander. She was born and raised on the West side of the state in the small town of Cedar Springs. She has four adult daughters and five grandchildren. She is a twice alum of Central Michigan University with a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in counseling. She holds a master’s in forensic psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She is in her third term as a Mount Pleasant City Commissioner and was appointed Mayor of Mount Pleasant for three consecutive years. She owns Ronan Psychological Associates, which employs 21 mental health clinicians and four full-time office staff. She is an at-large member of the Isabella County Human Rights Committee, Isabella County Community Corrections Advisor Board, and the Isabella County Recovery Court Treatment Team. She is also the newly elected chair of the Isabella County Democratic Party. If you ask her what her passion is she would say it is all about helping people do better and be their best possible self.
Campaign Elevator Pitch: My life’s work focuses on helping others do better in their own life journey. As a city commissioner I look for ways to improve the lives of the residents as a whole. As a mental health therapist, I work with many who have legal issues and I try to help them create a better path that will keep them out of the system. As the chair of the Isabella County Democratic Party, I believe that education of the issues at the local, state, and federal level is highest priority. People will not accept help if they do not understand what is at stake for them.
Detailed Campaign Statement: Community outreach and education as well as candidate recruitment are top prioritites. We must be assertive and strong in our messages. We can no longer wait for the next opportunity. We must make those opportunities happen. We need to be inclusive as well. We cannot move forward if we are not bringing everyone with us.
Michelle VanSlambrouck
Short Bio: Former small business owner Cheeky Monkeys Coffee House and Bakery, Co-Founder of Portland Backpacks for Bellies, a kids weekend meals program. Founder of The Soup Project, a collaborative community based program that prepares and delivers weekly meals to community residents. Experienced in bringing diverse groups together for the common good.