Congressional District 7 will elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, as well as at least 15 District Committee members at the February 22nd, 2025 State Convention.
CD7 will also elect 16 Delegates and 16 Alternates to the MDP State Central Committee. These will be divided as evenly as possible between male and female candidates. Non-binary candidates are counted first and their numbers subtracted from the 16, then the remainder will be divided as evenly as possible between male and female to approximate gender balance. The non-binary people The candidates will be divided into four (4) slates. One slate called the “male” Delegate Slate will consist of the male candidates for Delegate plus the non-binary candidates who choose to run on the “male” slate. Similarly for the “male” Alternate Slate, and “female” Delegate and Alternate Slates.
CD7 State Central Committee Candidates (Delegates)
Susan Skidmore
Felix Thibodeau
Joanne Galloway
Short Bio: I’ve been a part of party work over 10 years. I served on the Chippewa County membership committee, revived the Mackinac County Dems(wrote the bylaws), was a founding member of the Rural Caucus and am an Ingham County Democrat. I’m a Blue Brigade member, an Ingham County Farm Bureau board member and League of Women Voter member. I’m a former beef, hay and veggie farmer!
Campaign Elevator Pitch: I don’t herd like a cow.
I believe in discovery the asset in everyone.
I’ll bring my understanding of rural Michigan to the table.
Detailed Campaign Statement: If I can be of help, please vote for me.
Samuel Nelson
Karl Sime
Short Bio: Lifelong progressive grassroots Democrat, recently a practicing Democrat. Born in California, raised as a Jew, and accepting many other religions and beliefs. Mechatronic Engineer for 35 years mostly in the Electric Vehicle development areas. Love people and nature. Deeply passionate about the environment. Lived in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria for a total of 6 years and most recently, have lived in Michigan for almost 30 years.
Campaign Elevator Pitch: It’s Time for Sime! And now that you know how to pronounce my last name, there are two things I have going for me 1.) As a highly experienced engineer, I will be a very good fit in public office where my logical and critical thinking will preside over thinking dominated by misinformation and propaganda. and 2) I’m not a politician and that will make me an even better fit. You won’t have to worry about me being bribed because I don’t know anyone with that much money. I do believe strongly that the traditional ways of campaigning and managing campaigns need to be completely updated (instead of money centric it should be centered on building strong relationships across the state). After the November election my first reaction was to ask what we will do different the next time. And we must do something different in order to win the next round. Having run for office myself, I’m in a position to ask what went wrong and what lessons we will learn going forward, something an engineer is very good at doing. I appreciate your consideration.
Detailed Campaign Statement: Although my deeply deeply Democratic parents would drag us as children to stuff envelopes for McGovern/Eagleton, and others, I was oblivious to politics until around 2009 when president elect Obama was “shellacked” by the tea party. I became addicted to MSNBC, CNN, and C-span, becoming more and more frustrated and discouraged about the state of our government as time went on. This continued until I answered a political ad and went to my first Ingham County Democratic Party (ICDP) meeting on March 15, 2023. I quickly made many like minded friends and soon became Treasurer and Vice Chair for the Organizing and Development Committee. It was with this committee that I started to hold rural outreach events in my rural neighborhood after learning how poorly Democrats fared in these areas. Soon after that I was appointed to regional vice-chair for the MDP Rural Caucus, covering Shiawassee, Livingston, Ingham, Clinton, and Eaton counties. I attended my first Rural Caucus Summit where I learned a lot about rural politics and how to run for elected office. This led to my running for Precinct Delegate in August and for County Commissioner in the 2024 election in a very Republican dominated mostly rural district. My campaign was marginally funded and I had to manage it completely on my own including raising my own money and completing all the campaign financial reports. Although I did not win, I gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in developing relationships with both Democrats and Republicans living around me. There were many things I wished for when I ran and I want to make sure our future down ballot candidates get the resources they need to assure a win. That is why I am now running for this position today.
CD7 State Central Committee Candidates (Alternates)
Samuel Nelson
Karl Sime
Short Bio: Lifelong progressive grassroots Democrat, recently a practicing Democrat. Born in California, raised as a Jew, and accepting many other religions and beliefs. Mechatronic Engineer for 35 years mostly in the Electric Vehicle development areas. Love people and nature. Deeply passionate about the environment. Lived in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria for a total of 6 years and most recently, have lived in Michigan for almost 30 years.
Campaign Elevator Pitch: It’s Time for Sime! And now that you know how to pronounce my last name, there are two things I have going for me 1.) As a highly experienced engineer, I will be a very good fit in public office where my logical and critical thinking will preside over thinking dominated by misinformation and propaganda. and 2) I’m not a politician and that will make me an even better fit. You won’t have to worry about me being bribed because I don’t know anyone with that much money. I do believe strongly that the traditional ways of campaigning and managing campaigns need to be completely updated (instead of money centric it should be centered on building strong relationships across the state). After the November election my first reaction was to ask what we will do different the next time. And we must do something different in order to win the next round. Having run for office myself, I’m in a position to ask what went wrong and what lessons we will learn going forward, something an engineer is very good at doing. I appreciate your consideration.
Detailed Campaign Statement: Although my deeply deeply Democratic parents would drag us as children to stuff envelopes for McGovern/Eagleton, and others, I was oblivious to politics until around 2009 when president elect Obama was “shellacked” by the tea party. I became addicted to MSNBC, CNN, and C-span, becoming more and more frustrated and discouraged about the state of our government as time went on. This continued until I answered a political ad and went to my first Ingham County Democratic Party (ICDP) meeting on March 15, 2023. I quickly made many like minded friends and soon became Treasurer and Vice Chair for the Organizing and Development Committee. It was with this committee that I started to hold rural outreach events in my rural neighborhood after learning how poorly Democrats fared in these areas. Soon after that I was appointed to regional vice-chair for the MDP Rural Caucus, covering Shiawassee, Livingston, Ingham, Clinton, and Eaton counties. I attended my first Rural Caucus Summit where I learned a lot about rural politics and how to run for elected office. This led to my running for Precinct Delegate in August and for County Commissioner in the 2024 election in a very Republican dominated mostly rural district. My campaign was marginally funded and I had to manage it completely on my own including raising my own money and completing all the campaign financial reports. Although I did not win, I gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in developing relationships with both Democrats and Republicans living around me. There were many things I wished for when I ran and I want to make sure our future down ballot candidates get the resources they need to assure a win. That is why I am now running for this position today.
CD7 Committee Candidates
Samuel Nelson
Karl Sime
Short Bio: Lifelong progressive grassroots Democrat, recently a practicing Democrat. Born in California, raised as a Jew, and accepting many other religions and beliefs. Mechatronic Engineer for 35 years mostly in the Electric Vehicle development areas. Love people and nature. Deeply passionate about the environment. Lived in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria for a total of 6 years and most recently, have lived in Michigan for almost 30 years.
Campaign Elevator Pitch: It’s Time for Sime! And now that you know how to pronounce my last name, there are two things I have going for me 1.) As a highly experienced engineer, I will be a very good fit in public office where my logical and critical thinking will preside over thinking dominated by misinformation and propaganda. and 2) I’m not a politician and that will make me an even better fit. You won’t have to worry about me being bribed because I don’t know anyone with that much money. I do believe strongly that the traditional ways of campaigning and managing campaigns need to be completely updated (instead of money centric it should be centered on building strong relationships across the state). After the November election my first reaction was to ask what we will do different the next time. And we must do something different in order to win the next round. Having run for office myself, I’m in a position to ask what went wrong and what lessons we will learn going forward, something an engineer is very good at doing. I appreciate your consideration.
Detailed Campaign Statement: Although my deeply deeply Democratic parents would drag us as children to stuff envelopes for McGovern/Eagleton, and others, I was oblivious to politics until around 2009 when president elect Obama was “shellacked” by the tea party. I became addicted to MSNBC, CNN, and C-span, becoming more and more frustrated and discouraged about the state of our government as time went on. This continued until I answered a political ad and went to my first Ingham County Democratic Party (ICDP) meeting on March 15, 2023. I quickly made many like minded friends and soon became Treasurer and Vice Chair for the Organizing and Development Committee. It was with this committee that I started to hold rural outreach events in my rural neighborhood after learning how poorly Democrats fared in these areas. Soon after that I was appointed to regional vice-chair for the MDP Rural Caucus, covering Shiawassee, Livingston, Ingham, Clinton, and Eaton counties. I attended my first Rural Caucus Summit where I learned a lot about rural politics and how to run for elected office. This led to my running for Precinct Delegate in August and for County Commissioner in the 2024 election in a very Republican dominated mostly rural district. My campaign was marginally funded and I had to manage it completely on my own including raising my own money and completing all the campaign financial reports. Although I did not win, I gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in developing relationships with both Democrats and Republicans living around me. There were many things I wished for when I ran and I want to make sure our future down ballot candidates get the resources they need to assure a win. That is why I am now running for this position today.